Start the New Year With a Preventive Physical Exam

When was the last time you got a complete evaluation of your health? A preventive physical exam allows you to obtain tests and treatments to stop health conditions before they start.

At Ross Bridge Medical Center in Hoover, Alabama, Dr. Madhav Devani and our team of medical experts can complete a full preventive physical exam and get you prepared for a whole year of optimal health.

What is preventive health?

Preventive health care means care that is designed to keep you from becoming sick or developing health issues. It usually includes screenings, tests, and immunizations. Most preventive services are covered by your health insurance policy because it’s much easier to prevent illness than to cure a severe health problem.

Physical exam

Your preventive health exam starts with a physical. Dr. Devani will take a full medical history and family history, discuss any previous health conditions or medications, and check your weight, nutrition, and exercise regimen. From there, he can order the appropriate lab work and other tests or preventive treatments like vaccinations.


In most cases, Dr. Devani will listen to your heart and lungs, check your blood pressure, and run some basic blood tests to check for conditions like elevated blood glucose levels (an early sign of diabetes) or high cholesterol.

Depending on your age, gender, and family history, you may require more screenings, such as osteoporosis screening or colorectal cancer screening. Women may need a mammogram and Pap smear, while men could need a prostate exam.


Adults need booster shots, too. Dr. Devani will let you know if you need an influenza, hepatitis A and B, shingles or tetanus vaccination. These immunizations are some of the best ways to keep you safe and healthy.

Results and preventive care

Once all of the results are back, Dr. Madhav can sit down with you and create a plan to keep watch on any worrying or borderline health issues. For example, if you have prediabetes, he can help you with lifestyle changes to prevent you from developing diabetes. If your weight is causing concern, you can work together to develop a new nutrition and exercise plan to prevent obesity and contribute to your overall health and wellness.

If you haven’t had a preventive physical exam in over a year, it’s time to schedule an appointment. You can call our office at 205-494-7677, or book your appointment online today using our convenient scheduling system.


Our goal is for you to leave our office with a memorable and enjoyable experience, which is why our welcoming and compassionate staff will do everything they can to make you feel right at home.

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